
Development of Numerical Tools for the Investigation of Plasma Detachment from Magnetic Nozzles


A multidimensional numerical simulation framework aimed at investigating the process of plasma detachment from a magnetic nozzle is introduced. An existing numerical code based on a magnetohydrodynamic formulation of the plasma flow equations that accounts for various dispersive and dissipative processes in plasmas was significantly enhanced to allow for the modeling of axisymmetric domains containing three.dimensiunai momentum and magnetic flux vectors. A separate magnetostatic solver was used to simulate the applied magnetic field topologies found in various nozzle experiments. Numerical results from a magnetic diffusion test problem in which all three components of the magnetic field were present exhibit excellent quantitative agreement with the analytical solution, and the lack of numerical instabilities due to fluctuations in the value of del(raised dot)B indicate that the conservative MHD framework with dissipative effects is well-suited for multi-dimensional analysis of magnetic nozzles. Further studies will focus on modeling literature experiments both for the purpose of code validation and to extract physical insight regarding the mechanisms driving detachment

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