Towards thread aware component behavior specifications


The component based development is a well established methodology of software development. The industry, however does not take the advantage of component behavior modeling. Although the analyses of models guarantee notiobn of correctness in form of behavioral compatibility of component composition, the application in practice is limited by the expressiveness of the modeling languages as well as by the fact that the manual preparation of models is demanding and error prone task. To ease the application of behavioral modeling in practice, we propose Threaded Behavior Protocols (TBP) |a modeling language aiming at the gap between the modeling and imperative languages and the imperative languages. By providing the developers with the concepts known from the imperative languages at the model level, we enable easier preparation of component models. The theoretical framework of TBP provides the notion of correctness based on absence of communication errors and the re nement relation preserving the correctness in arbitrary environment. Thus, the analyses supported by the framework provide similar bene ts as the legacy modeling languages, however considering also the imperative language concepts

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