
Orion GN and C Overview and Architecture


The Crew Exploration Vehicle, named Orion, is a critical element in the Constellation Program to develop the transportation system needed to send humans back to the moon and then beyond. Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor for the Orion spacecraft, which is managed by the Johnson Space Center. The Orion GN&C sub-system is being jointly developed by NASA and Lockheed Martin through a mode team approach. The GN&C is a critical element of the Orion mission to carry astronauts to low earth orbit to service the International Space Station and then on later flights to transfer and return a crew of four to the moon. The Orion GN&C system must perform monitoring and abort functions during ascent, rendezvous and docking in both low earth and lunar orbits, perform uncrewed lunar loiter operations, perform trans earth injection and atmospheric entry and landing. The Orion also must be integrated with the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle, the Earth Departure Stage of the Ares V and the Lunar Surface Access Module. This paper provides an overview of the Orion GN&C system. The functional capabilities of the Orion GN&C will be provided in the context of Constellation architecture, the key GN&C requirements will be summarized, the GN&C architecture will be presented, the development schedule and plans will summarized and finally conclusions will be presented

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