
Calibration Tunnel for High Speed


For the nvestigation of measuring instruments at higher speeds up to a Mach number 0.7 a tunnel with closed test section was built in 1942 which was as simple and cheap as possble. The blower was a radial blower with straight sheet vanes of 800-millimeter diameter the tips of which were bent backward a little. The blower sucks the air through a honeycomb of diameter 1.2 neter with wide meshes. The air is then accelerated in a short cone with smooth transition to the test section. The cylindrical test section of 200-milimeter diameter has two windows (which are displaced 180 deg from each other. The instruments may be introduced and observed through and observed through these windows. . The cross section is then enlarged by a straight diffuser 3.5 meters long and reaches the ninefold cross section. The air flows back into the room through a disk diffuser of 2-meter diameter. The maximum speed in the jet is 250 m/s for a drive power of 35 kT., if there are no installations in the jet. The velocity is determined by pressure holed along the test section

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