The Power of a Personal Testimony Booklet: Increasing Gospel Witness in Everyday Life


Evangelism is a key component of the Great Commission and a major responsibility for every Christ-Follower. The practice of personal evangelism, however, is frequently neglected by a majority of Christians. This project will initially examine the current state of personal evangelism in America and the scriptural expectation for all Christians to be frequent communicators of the gospel message. The ultimate purpose of this project is to demonstrate that a member of LivingStone Community Church can increase their Gospel witness in everyday life through the use of a written Personal Testimony Booklet. This pocket-sized booklet consists of two components. The first is a description of the three stages of one’s personal testimony. The second component consists of a unique presentation of the gospel message based upon that person’s spiritual journey. The goal of this thesis will shed light on the value of writing and distributing a personal testimony booklet. Practical suggestions will be offered for how to help church members develop and implement this evangelism method. Action research will primarily examine the success of this evangelism tool in increasing gospel witness in everyday life through surveys and interviews

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