
Enhancing Pastoral Care and Support by Providing Opportunities for Spiritual Growth and Transformation to Crisis and Trauma Sufferers


Trauma experiences are becoming more prevalent in today’s society. For example, each day, the media reports the widespread impact of war, gun violence, domestic and international terrorism, violent crimes, sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, mass shootings, and natural disasters in the general population. The church has long been considered a place of refuge, hope, and healing for people who suffer from crises and trauma. It is often the first place Christians and the surrounding community turn in times of distress. Because pastors and churches are often the first responders when people experience crises and traumatic events, there is a need for faith-based trauma-informed education to enhance the capacity of care to crisis and trauma sufferers. The researcher has chosen to conduct a quantitative study by surveying the members and frequent attendees of The Greenhill Church and Christian Outreach Ministries in Clarksville, TN, to build a report of their crisis and trauma experiences. From the compiled data, the researcher will develop an enhanced plan for pastoral care and support of The Greenhill Church and Christian Outreach Ministries that incorporates spiritual disciplines and Christian mindfulness to provide hope, and the opportunity for people to experience spiritual growth and transformation despite their painful experiences

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