Colluvial soils - their characteristics and spatial delineation at chosen study areas in the Czech republic


Colluvial soils, formed in areas of increased accumulation of soil material, represent an important element in landscape and soil mosaic, whose development is still in progress. Their spatial distribution and profile thickess are considered to be important indicators of processes leading to significant landscape changes. Their importance also consists in very deep humus horizon which makes them a vast storage of organic carbon. Mapping of colluvial soils represents a substantial contribution in the update process of classic soil maps. The aim of the thesis is a complex analysis of the colluvial soil unit in terms of its relation to soil properties, terrain and geological predispositions and relevance in soil mapping. The study results are based mainly on detailed terrain survey, digital terrian model analysis and modern pedometric methods application. The research was proceeded in three study areas with significant pedological and geological differences and various predisposiotion for colluviation intensity and velocity and resulting character of colluvial profiles. Diverse character of the study areas was the main factor of the spatial distribution and properties of the colluvial soils. In Chernozem region, intensive erosion resulted in formation of colluvial soils characterized by thick humus..

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