Activation Theory for the Instruction of Botany at the Odolená Voda Primary School


Key words: educational method, eco-centre, educational pathway, cross-country activities. The thesis The Concept of Active Botany Education with Students' Participation at the Junior School Odolena Voda focuses especially on formation of educational pathways in the surroundings of the Junior School which are guided by work- and methodical sheets. The thesis considers ideas of cross-country botanic activities and includes a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire examines whether teachers use the educational methods activating the students and whether they are interested in extension of botanic educational materials. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with organisational forms and methods that help to increase the activity during botanic classes. Moreover, the thesis compares botanic textbooks that focus on cross-country observations and experiments. Finally, it discusses botanic programs which are offered by eco-centres situated close to OdolenaVoda. Powered by TCPDF (

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