The role of the word of God in christian spiritual life


RÉSUMÉ The problem of word of God in spiritual life of the Christian The topic of this work is Holy Scripture - Word of God - from the sight of spiritual life. What is the Bible for Christian? How it can be influent for our daily life? How the Church understood the Holy Scripture? Theoretic resource of this work is teaching of the Second Vatican council about word of God, especially constitution "Dei verbum". There were basic ideas of this teaching formed in Century 19th by biblical movement, which made an effort for more serious thinking in the faith through the come back to the source of the Holy Scripture. The principal points of the teaching of the Second Vatican council about word of God are followed: "The Scripture" is revelation of the God. The God reveals us in the Scripture his plan of the salvation which culminate by the coming the Son of God into the world. The Holy Scripture is inspired word of living God therefore the church has it in honest and love. The constitution "Dei verbum" speaks the table of the word of God in the same level as the eucharist. Through the Scripture we meet the God that is why it is for faithful "food" on the way to the salvation. The teaching of the Council had opened the way to the study of the Scripture based on the scientific level. It also encouraged lay people to..

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