
Preliminary Analysis of AIS Spectral Data Acquired from Semi-arid Shrub Communities in the Owens Valley, California


Spectral characteristics of semic-arid plant communities using 128 channel airborne imaging spectrometer (AIS) data acquired on October 30, 1984. Both field and AIS spectra of vegetation were relatively featureless and differed from substrate spectra primarily in albedo. Unvegetated sand dunes were examined to assess spectral variation resulting from topographic irregularity. Although shrub cover as low as 10% could be detected on relatively flat surfaces, such differences were obscured in more heterogeneous terrain. Sagebrush-covered fans which had been scarred by fire were studied to determine the effect of changes in plant density on reflectance. Despite noise in the atmospherically corrected spectra, these provide better resolution of differences in plant density than spectra which are solar-corrected only. A high negative correlation was found between reflectance and plant cover in areas which had uniform substrates and vegetation types. A lower correlation was found where vegetation and substrates were more diverse

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