
New algorithms for microwave measurements of ocean winds


Improved second generation wind algorithms are used to process the three month SEASAT SMMR and SASS data sets. The new algorithms are derived without using in situ anemometer measurements. All known biases in the sensors prime measurements are removed, and the algorithms prime model functions are internally self-consistent. The computed SMMR and SASS winds are collocated and compared on a 150 km cell-by-cell basis, giving a total of 115444 wind comparisons. The comparisons are done using three different sets of SMMR channels. When the 6.6H SMMR channel is used for wind retrieval, the SMMR and SASS winds agree to within 1.3 m/s over the SASS primary swath. At nadir where the radar cross section is less sensitive to wind, the agreement degrades to 1.9 m/s. The agreement is very good for winds from 0 to 15 m/s. Above 15 m/s, the off-nadir SASS winds are consistently lower than the SMMR winds, while at nadir the high SASS winds are greater than SMMR's. When 10.7H is used for the SMMR wind channel, the SMMR/SASS wind comparisons are not quite as good. When the frequency of the wind channel is increased to 18 GHz, the SMMR/SASS agreement substantially degrades to about 5 m/s

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