
Shuttle electrical environment


Part of an AFGL payload flown on the STS-4 mission consisted of experiments to measure in-situ electric fields, electron densities, and vehicle charging. During this flight some 11 hours of data were acquired ranging from 5 minute snapshots up to continuous half-orbits. These experiments are described and results presented for such vehicle induced events as a main engine burn, thruster firings and water dumps in addition to undisturbed periods. The main characteristic of all the vehicle induced events is shown to be an enhancement in the low frequency noise (less than 2 kHz), in both the electrostatic and electron irregularity (delta N/N) spectra. The non-event results indicate that the electrostatic broadband emissions show a white noise characteristic in the low frequency range up to 2 kHz at an amplitude of 10 db above the shuttle design specification limit, falling below that limit above 10 kHz. The vehicle potential remained within the range of -3 to +1 volt throughout the flight which exhibits normal behavior for a satellite in a low equatorial orbit

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