
Mean and Random Errors of Visual Roll Rate Perception from Central and Peripheral Visual Displays


A large number of roll rate stimuli, covering rates from zero to plus or minus 25 deg/sec, were presented to subjects in random order at 2 sec intervals. Subjects were to make estimates of magnitude of perceived roll rate stimuli presented on either a central display, on displays in the peripheral ield of vision, or on all displays simultaneously. Response was by way of a digital keyboard device, stimulus exposition times were varied. The present experiment differs from earlier perception tasks by the same authors in that mean rate perception error (and standard deviation) was obtained as a function of rate stimulus magnitude, whereas the earlier experiments only yielded mean absolute error magnitude. Moreover, in the present experiment, all stimulus rates had an equal probability of occurrence, whereas the earlier tests featured a Gaussian stimulus probability density function. Results yield a ood illustration of the nonlinear functions relating rate presented to rate perceived by human observers or operators

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