
Acoustically induced oscillation and rotation of a large drop in space


A 2.5 cm diameter water drop was successfully deployed and manipulated in a triaxial acoustic resonance chamber during a 240 sec low-gravity SPAR rocket flight. Oscillation and rotation were induced by modulating and phase shifting the signals to the speakers. Portions of the film record were digitized and analyzed. Spectral analysis brought out the n = 2, 3, 4 free oscillation modes of the drop, its very low-frequency center-of-mass motion in the acoustic potential well, and the forced oscillation frequency. The drop boundaries were least-square fitted to general ellipses, providing eccentricities of the distorted drop. The normalized equatorial area of the rotating drop was plotted vs a rotational parameter, and was in excellent agreement with values derived from the theory of equilibrium shapes of rotating liquid drops

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