
Spatial variation of iron abundance in the high speed solar wind, 1972 to 1976


The Fe/H ratios in the peaks of high speed streams (HSS) during the decline of Solar Cycle 20 and the following minimum (October 1972-December 1976) were analyzed. The response of the 50-200 keV ion channel of the APL/JHU energetic particle experiment (EPE) on IMP-7 and 8 to solar wind iron ions at high solar wind speeds and Fe measurements were compared with solar wind H and He parameters from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) instruments on the same spacecraft. In general, the Fe distribution parameters (bulk velocity, flow direction, temperature) are found to be similar to the LANL He parameters. Although the average Fe/H ratio in many steady HSS peaks agrees within observational uncertainties with the nominal coronal ratio of 4.7 x 10(-5), abundance variations of a factor of up to 6 are obtained across a given coronal-hole associated HSS. Over the period 1973-1976, a steady decrease in the average quiet-time Fe/H ratio by a factor of about 4 is measured on both IMP-7 and 8

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