
The average solar wind in the inner heliosphere: Structures and slow variations


Measurements from the HELIOS solar probes indicated that apart from solar activity related disturbances there exist two states of the solar wind which might result from basic differences in the acceleration process: the fast solar wind (v 600 kms(-)1) emanating from magnetically open regions in the solar corona and the "slow" solar wind (v 400 kms(-)1) correlated with the more active regions and its mainly closed magnetic structures. In a comprehensive study using all HELIOS data taken between 1974 and 1982 the average behavior of the basic plasma parameters were analyzed as functions of the solar wind speed. The long term variations of the solar wind parameters along the solar cycle were also determined and numerical estimates given. These modulations appear to be distinct though only minor. In agreement with earlier studies it was concluded that the major modulations are in the number and size of high speed streams and in the number of interplanetary shock waves caused by coronal transients. The latter ones usually cause huge deviations from the averages of all parameters

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