Multiplex DNA Typing of Short-Tandem-Repeat Loci on the Y Chromosome


This is the published version. Copyright 1997 de Gruyter.To facilitate evolutionary and forensic studies of DNA polymorphisms on the Y chromosome, we devised a multiplex amplification procedure for short-tandemrepeat (STR) loci. Four tetranucleotide STR loci (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, and DYS393) were simultaneously amplified with FAM-labeled primers and genotypes were determined with an automated DNA sequencer. We typed 162 males from three U.S. populations (African-Americans, European-Americans and Hispanics) and found that the haplotype diversities range from 0.920 to 0.969. This quadruplex system provides a facile means of genotyping these Y chromosome STRs, and should be useful in population genetic and forensic applications

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