Effects of Sea-Salt Aerosols on Precipitation in Simulations of Shallow Cumulus


This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JAS-D-11-031.1.A suite of large-eddy simulations with size-resolving microphysical processes was performed in order to assess effects of sea-salt aerosols on precipitation process in trade cumulus. Simulations based on observations from the Rain in Cumulus over the Ocean (RICO) field campaign explored the effects of adding sea-salt nuclei in different size ranges by following the evolution of 369 cloud cells over the 24-h simulation period. The addition of large (small) sea-salt nuclei tends to accelerate (suppress) precipitation formation; however, in marine environments the sea-salt spectra always include a combination of both small (film) and large (jet) nuclei. When realistic sea-salt spectra are specified as a function of surface wind, the effect of the larger nuclei to enhance the precipitation predominates, and accumulated precipitation increases with wind speed. This effect, however, is strongly influenced by the choice of background CCN spectrum. Adding the same sea-salt specification to an environment with a higher background aerosol load results in a decrease in accumulated precipitation with increasing surface wind speed. Results also suggest that the slope of the relationship between vertical velocity W and the concentration of embryonic precipitation particles at cloud base Nr may indicate the role of sea-salt nuclei. A negative slope (Nr decreasing with increasing W) points to the predominance of small sea-salt nuclei, in which larger updrafts activate a greater number of smaller cloud drops with smaller coalescence efficiencies, resulting in fewer embryonic rain drops. A positive slope, on the other hand, indicates the presence of large sea-salt nuclei, which are the source of embryonic rain drops

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