A History of the Social Phases of the Temperance Movement in Kansas


This thesis was submitted to the Department of Sociology and the Faculty of the Graduate School in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master’s degree.The purpose of this paper is to give the history of the social phases, Ie., methods of agitation, education, organization and law enforcement from the time of the first settlements in Kansas and the establishment of the Territorial government, down to the present time. The history of the laws has been carried along with the social history because it is impossible to trace the one as it should be without the other. Each is necessary for the other because they were developed together and each depends on the other. Part II contains a summary of the methods of agitation, organization and law enforcement. This brief summary is taken from part I and put in this form in order to show more.clearly the development of the means used and for the purpose of ready reference in case a concise statement was wanted for practical purposes. Part III contains the opinions of one hundred and seventy-two bankers of the state in regard to prohibition

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