Locating Amazonian Dark Earths (ADE) in the Brazilian Amazon using Satellite Imagery


Amazonian Dark Earths (ADE) are patches of archaeological soils scattered throughout the Amazon Basin. These soils are anthropogenic and most evidence suggests that they are the result of unintentional cultural deposits as well as intentional efforts of Amerindian populations to improve the quality of their farmlands. ADE are a mixture of charcoal, organic matter and the underlying Oxisol soil. ADE are extremely fertile soils in comparison to the surrounding Oxisols and they are sought after by local residents for agricultural purposes. In the first chapter I discuss the value and physical properties of ADE in detail. Research is being conducted to learn how ADE were created and to explore the possibility of replicating them to sequester carbon and to reclaim depleted soils in the Amazon Basin. This dissertation seeks to assist in that effort by attempting to map currently unknown ADE sites hidden beneath the dense tropical forest canopy

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