
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing Dengan Teknik Probing-prompting Terhadap Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Fisika Di SMA


This research concentrated of guided inquiry model accompanied with probing-prompting technique for activity and learning outcomes physisics in SMA. The purposes of this research were to study the effect of using inquiry model accompanied with probing-prompting technique to student's learning activities and kognitif student's achievement. The type of this research was an experimental research by post-test control group design. Population of the research was all student's  at SMAN 1 Pakusari. The technique to collect data was documentation, observation, interview, and tests. The analysis result description of student learning activities for experiment class equals to 85.80 % is in active  criteria. The analysis data of kognitif student's achievement by using independent sample t-test for significant value (1-tailed) was 0,018(≤0,05), it's mean the kognitif students' achievement for experiment class is better than control class (Ha accepted and Ho refused). Conclusion of this research are : (1) student's learning activities using guided inquiry model accompanied with probing-prompting technique is in  active criteria which percentage level of activity is 85.80%. (2) Guided Inquiry Model accompanied with probing-prompting technique has significant effect of learning outcomes physisics in SMA.   Keywords: guided inquiry model, probing-prompting techniqu

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