Background: All forms of tobacco is the nature of addiction (opium) and off. Theconclusions of the scientific evidence that smokers face increased risk of deathfrom various types of cancer (especially lung cancer), heart disease, stroke,emphysema and fatal disease and non-fatal others. Faculty of medicine, in thiscase male medical school faculty Diponegoro University, considered to have theability, skills, and knowledge is high, especially health problems should haveknown about the dangers of smoking itself. In addition, lecturers also regarded asa role model so that should not have a smoking lifestyle. But the observationsshow there is still a male lecturer FK Undip who smoke.Methods: The study design was observational study with a descriptivecomparative study design. Sample population of this study is a lecturer FK Undipmen who are still enrolled in medical school Undip and willing to sign informedconsent. The sample size for this study is 30 subjects. The independent variable ofthis study is the attitude, the influence of advertising, which has a smoking family,and friends who have the habit of smoking., While the dependent variable is thebehavior of smoking on male lecturer Faculty of Medicine.Results: The attitude and the ads do not have a significant relationship withsmoking behavior. While family and friends have a significant relationship withsmoking behavior. However, respondents who smoked said that friends were thefactors most influence in smoking.Conclusion: Attitudes and advertising is not a factor associated with smokingbehavior. While family and friends is associated with smoking behavior. andFriends is the most dominant factor associated with smoking behavior