: Alergic Rhinitis (AR)is a global health burden and a big problem that can cause disability all over the world. AR prevalence in Asia today has increase approximately 45%, and occurs in poorest and develop country. House Dust Mite (HDM) can cause AR. That's because HDM is prime allergen that live in dust and grow optimaly in 25-30ºC with humidty above 60%. 100-500 HDM expose is a risk factor for development allergic reaction. This study aimed to know the relationship between the density of HDM with the degree of AR. This was an observational-analitic study with a cross-sectional design. The results showed that the average of HDM in bedroom is 192, and 376 in lounge. There were 17 people that affect AR Intermittent and 13 people that affect AR persistent. For mild symptoms there are 25 people and for moderat-severe symptoms there are 5 people. Conclusion:There is no relationship about density of HDM with the degree of AR