
Pengaruh Model Discovery Learning Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Dan Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa Man Bondowoso


The research focused on the influence of discovery learning. The purposes of this research were to reviewing the effect of discovery learning model to student\u27s learning motivation in MAN Bondowoso and to knew the effect of discovery learning\u27s model for student\u27s physics learning outcomes in MAN Bondowoso. The kind of this research was experiment by posttest only control design. Population of the research was class X at Islamic Senior High School Bondowoso. Technique to collect the data were observation, interview, documentation, test and questionnaire. Technique of data analysis were decriptive and Independent Sample t-test with SPSS 16. The result of independent sample t-test to student\u27s learning motivation showed  value 0,0305≤ 0,05. While the result of independent sample t-test to learning outcomes showed  value 0,000 ≤ 0,05. Based on that result could be concluded that: (1) discovery learning model significantly took effect to student\u27 learning motivation in MA; (2) discovery learning model significantly took effect to student\u27s physics learning outcomes in MA.   Keywords: discovery learning model, learning motivation, student\u27s learning outcom

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