International Studentship among Chinese Women in Early Period and Jiangsu Nüxue Lunwen or Nüxue Wencong


Until 1903, there were only about 10 Chinese female students studying in Japanese institutions. They were stationed in Tokyo. During their education exchange they formed first ever women\u27s organization. They called it; Riben liuxue nvxuesheng gongai hui. In Japanesse it was called 日本留学女学生共愛会. This coalition was formed in 1904. They found it difficult to start independent publications, so with the support of the male exchange students, they managed to set up a column in Jiangsu Magazine. Their column was called Jiangsu Nüxue lunwen otherwise known as Nüxue wencong. In Jiangsu Magazine (江蘇) it was referred to as 女学論文 or 文叢. Those 10 women managed to publish 12 articles in issues 3, 4, 5 & 6. Even though the magazine was not classified as women\u27s magazine as such, those first submissions were written by female authors and published in a foreign country, Bearing in mind the era such an achievement ought to be considered as notable. This paper examines the contents and advocacies of problems women at that time faced. The 12 articles analyse what kind of idealism was pursued by those early female Chinese exchange students in late Qing

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