Basic Reseach on the Simulation of "Sensibility Information Processing"


We have studied the information processing of human sensibility from various approaches. In an approach from information retrieval theory, we constructed a "sensibility information retrieval system" which extracts words expressing human feelings from a novel and analyzes the chronological structure of the novel. Novels are thus classified into those with increasing-sadness, those with happy-endings, etc. In an approach from psychology, we constructed a model which simulates the process of evoking emotion. Words expressing feelings are classified, and the influence of past experiences and the effects on future actions are investigated by experiments. In an approach from business management, we point out that the study of sensibility information has a good applicability in the decision making system of an organization because the feelings of its members are crucial in making decisions. In particular, we emphasize that a "good morale" among organizational members is essential in avoiding serious accidents. From a device approach, we study the signal processing of electrical data trains using a modulated laser diode, and propose a potential application to the microwave phase shifter with small variations in amplitude

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