An Analysis of Interaction during Electronic Conferences in Higher Education


大学教育において, ネットワークを利用した実践が盛んになっている.本論文では,8大学が参加した遠隔協同講義実践を対象にその報告をおこなう.この実践では,電子会議室において学生同士や教員と学生が議論する場が設けられていた.ここでは,質的な研究方法を用いて,その電子会議室における学生の議論への参入と離脱,また議論の展開を分析することから,電子会議室の利用における課題と一提案をおこなう.This paper describes the use of electronic conferencing systems in distance learning environments. Using qualitative methodology, such as participant observation and unstructured interviews, the authors analyze interactions among students and professors to determine how they communicate in electronic conferences. The following points were found in the analysis: 1) since students with different specialties joined the conference, they can deepen their discussion about multimedia; 2) students make up their minds to participate in the class actively so that they reflect on the lecture and have more interaction with other students; 3) as many opinions were posted in the conference, students sometimes discuss topics unrelated to the conference and lose their objectives.本研究の一部は,文部省科学研究費助成基盤研究「情報教育におけるカリキュラムとコンテンツ開発に関する実証的研究」(代表:久保田賢一)によるものである

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