
Development of the Executive Functions Questionnaire


This study was designed to develop the Executive Functions Questionnaire (EFQ) measuring executive functions and to investigate the construct validity by standardized questionnaires (the Error Proneness Questionnaire, the Everyday Memory Questionnaire, the Metacognition Questionnaire, the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire and the Short form of Five Factor Personality Questionnaire). EFQ was conducted to 567 normal adults, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses yielded six scales: Planning, Absorption, Efficacy, Shifting, Self-consciousness and Sustaining-attention. Analysis of correlation revealed as follows. Functions of cognitive control (Efficacy, Shifting and Sustaining-attention) negatively correlated to EPQ and EMQ. Shifting positively correlated to the reappraisal strategy of ERQ, Self-consciousness did to MCQ, and Planning did to Controlling of FFPQ. Absorption did not show any expected significant correlation to the subscales of EPQ, although Absorption showed slightly positive correlation to Emotionality of FFPQ. These findings suggest that EFQ is valid to measure executive functions in normal adults.本研究は,実行機能を測る質問紙 (Executive Function Questionnaire,EFQ) の開発と,既存の質問紙 (失敗傾向質問紙 (EPQ), 日常記憶質問紙 (EMQ) ,メタ認知質問紙 (MCQ) ,感情調節尺度 (ERQ) ,5因子性格検査短縮版 (FFPQ-50) による構成概念妥当性の検討を目的とした。健常成人 (N=567) に調査を行い,探索的と確認的因子分析の結果,プランニング,熱中,効率,切り替え,自己意識,注意維持の6因子構造が得られた。相関分析の結果,認知的コントロールに関する効率,切り替えおよび注意の維持とEPQ やEMQ とに負の相関,切り替えとERQ の再評価方略,自己意識とMCQ,プランニングとFFPQ-50 の統制性に正の相関が示され,収束的妥当性が示された。熱中は予測したEPQ の下位尺度とは相関が認められず,FFPQ-50 の情緒不安定性と負の相関傾向のみが認められた。以上より健常成人の実行機能を測定する尺度としてEFQ の構成概念妥当性が示された

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