
Effects of expression style of persuasive messages on attitudes: Studies using TV shopping program and blog


Effects of expression style of persuasive messages were investigated in two studies. Study 1 took up TV shopping and the effect of conscious processing style was manipulated in the experiment. participants were presented TV shopping program either in conscious way or nonconscious way. The merchandise and the message were either image-based advertisement or logical persuasive advertisement. When paticipants heard the message in nonconscious way, they were impressed by image ad more strongly than by logical ad. And the effect of logical ad was more remarkable in conscious mode than in nonconscious mode. Study 2 tested the effect of expression style of one-side communication and two-side communication of persuasive messages. The advocators of blog messages were experts or university students. And they described messages either in polite style or in assertive style. As the results, two-way communication was totally more effective than one-way communication. While the polite message of experts was more effective, the message of university students was more effective when in assertive style than in polite style. The results were consistent with the politeness theory, however an interesting interaction effect was found in the expression style. The interaction of advocator and expression style was discussed

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