Optimal mixing in two-dimensional stratified plane Poiseuille flow at finite Peclet and Richardson numbers


We consider the nonlinear optimisation of irreversible mixing induced by an initial finite amplitude perturbation of a statically stable density-stratified fluid with kinematic viscosity ν\nu and density diffusivity κ\kappa. The initial diffusive error function density distribution varies continuously so that ρ[ρˉ(1/2)ρ0,ρˉ+(1/2)ρ0]\rho \in [\bar{\rho} - (1/2)\rho_0, \bar{\rho} + (1/2) \rho_0]. A constant pressure gradient is imposed in a plane two-dimensional channel of depth 2h2h. We consider flows with a finite P\'eclet number Pe=Umh/κ=500Pe= U_m h /\kappa=500 and Prandtl number Pr=ν/κ=1Pr=\nu/\kappa=1, and a range of bulk Richardson numbers Rib=gρ0h/(ρˉU2)[0,1]Ri_b= g \rho_0 h /(\bar{\rho} U^2) \in [0,1] where UmU_m is the maximum flow speed of the laminar parallel flow, and gg is the gravitational acceleration. We use the constrained variational direct-adjoint-looping (DAL) method to solve two optimization problems, extending the optimal mixing results of Foures, Caulfield \& Schmid (2014) to stratified flows, where the irreversible mixing of the active scalar density leads to a conversion of kinetic energy into potential energy. We identify initial perturbations of fixed finite kinetic energy which maximize the time-averaged perturbation kinetic energy developed by the perturbations over a finite time interval, and initial perturbations that minimise the value (at a target time, chosen to be T=10T=10) of a `mix-norm' as first introduced by Mathew, Mezic \& Petzold (2005), further discussed by Thi eault (2012) and shown by Foures et al. (2014) to be a computationally efficient and robust proxy for identifying perturbations that minimise the long-time variance of a scalar distribution. We demonstrate, for all bulk Richardson numbers considered, that the time-averaged-kinetic-energy-maximising perturbations are significantly suboptimal at mixing compared to the mix-norm-minimising perturbations, and also that minimising the mix-norm remains (for density-stratified flows) a good proxy for identifying perturbations which minimise the variance at long times. Although increasing stratification reduces the mixing in general, mix-norm-minimising optimal perturbations can still trigger substantial mixing for Rib0.3Ri_b \lesssim 0.3. By considering the time evolution of the kinetic energy and potential energy reservoirs, we find that such perturbations lead to a flow which, through Taylor dispersion, very effectively converts perturbation kinetic energy into `available potential energy', which in turn leads rapidly and irreversibly to thorough and efficient mixing, with little energy returned to the kinetic energy reservoirs

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