
On the Process and Construction of Legal System of Recovery and Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in China


目前,中国逐步进入电器电子产品废弃高峰期,由于缺乏相应的立法规范,其回收处理活动基本上处于无序状态,由此给环境和人体健康带来了极大的危害。其原因主要包括两方面:缺少正规的回收(收集)网络,法律对拆解处理业长期不设资质限制。为了解决该问题,国家推行了废旧家电回收处理试点、政府财政补贴的以旧换新试点、再生资源回收体系建设试点。试点反映了建立规范的回收体系始终是核心问题,以社区回收站为基础的回收(收集)网络是较为可行的渠道。在法制建设方面,《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》的颁布,标志着中国废弃电器电子产品回收处理法制渐成体系。它规定了多渠道回收和集中处理制度,提高了拆解处理企业的门槛,规定了生产者应当承担绿色设计和缴纳废弃电器电子产品处理专项基金的责任。由于《条例》以原则性条款居多,未来需要围绕EPR原则的实施、回收体系的完善、加强地方政府的作用等课题制定一系列配套规则。At present, China has gradually entered the peak of waste electrical andelectronic equipment (WEEE). Due to the lack of corresponding legislation, its recoveryand disposal are basically in a state of disorder, and such a situation has brought greatharm to the environment and human health. The reasons might be classified into twokinds: lack of regular network of collection, and no restriction on qualification ofprocessing industry for a long-term. To address this issue, the Chinese centralgovernment has promoted several projects, including the “Pilot Project of Recovery andDisposal of Used Household Appliances”, “Pilot Project of Giving Subsidies to Buy NewHome Appliances while Phasing out Used Ones”, and“Pilot Project of Construction ofRenewable Resources Recovery System”. These pilot projects proved that theestablishment of a standardized collection system has always been the core issue and thecommunity-based collection network is more viable in China. On the building of the legalsystem, the promulgation of the Regulations on the Administration of the Recovery andDisposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment marked the legal system creationof the recovery and disposal of WEEE in China. It introduces multiple-channel collectionand centralized treatment system. It also raises the qualification requirements of processing enterprises, and stipulates that the producers should promote design-forenvironmentand make contribution to the fund earmarked for processing WEEEpurposes responsibilities. Since the regulation is only a framework, it should be improvedby formulating a series of specifications focusing on the perfection of the collectionsystem, implementation of EPR principle, strengthening the administration of the localgovernment

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