
Instructional strategies for autistic adults learning video game design


A diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) indicates that an individual has a complex neurological disorder which impairs communication, behavior, and social interaction. ASD persists throughout an individual’s lifetime; many adults with ASD are very knowledgeable and skilled, but they tend to be unemployed and underemployed because of difficulties interacting, communicating, and securing positions for which they are qualified (Chappel & Somers, 2010; Hendricks & Wehman, 2009; Nesbitt, 2000). This poster describes instructional strategies that match the information processing needs of adults with ASD. The poster is based on findings from a qualitative pilot study designed to identify best practices for teaching adults with ASD video game design. Data from semi-structured interviews with adult learners revealed direct, interactive, and experiential learning as instructional preferences along with the elimination of stressors (competition with others, limited time, and test taking).published or submitted for publicationis peer reviewe

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