Sulphur, zinc and carbon in the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy


The Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy is a Milky Way satellite with predominantly old stellar population, and therefore the ideal target to study early chemical evolution. The chemical abundances of photospheres of stars reveal the composition of their birth environment; studying stars of different ages, therefore, provides insight into the chemical enrichment history of the galaxy in which they dwell. High-resolution spectra of 100 stars were used to further explore the chemical enrichment history of the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy. For the first time, the elements S and Zn were measured in large sample of stars, in a stellar system other than the Milky Way. These elements are of special interest, since they are volatile and not depleted onto dust in interstellar gas. Therefore, S and Zn abundances can be used for direct comparison with abundances in absorption systems observed at high redshifts. During the analysis of these data, the first (CEMP-no) star in Sculptor was discovered, but these kinds of stars are believed to show the chemical abundance pattern the very first stellar generation left behind. This exciting discovery, led to the theoretical investigation of the frequency and origin of CEMP stars in the Milky Way dwarf satellites

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