シセツ ニオケル コウレイシャ ケア ジュウジシャ ノ ショクギョウセイ ストレス ヨウイン ト ソノ トクチョウ


施設別高齢者ケア従事者の職業性ストレス要因とその特徴-仕事の要求量とコントロールモデルから-わが国では,急速な高齢者人口の増大に伴う要介護(支援)者対策が進められている.本論文の目的は,高齢者介護施設のケア従事者における主要なストレス要因を知ることと,仕事の要求度と仕事のコントロール度の観点からみたストレス要因の特徴を明らかにすることである.方法は岡山県備前県民局管内全部の特別養護老人ホームと老人保健施設および,岡山県グループホーム連絡協議会に加入している全てのグループホームにおいて,高齢者ケアに従事している者を対象とした.調査は「職業性ストレス簡易調査票」を用いた.有効回答2,122人について男女別,施設別にストレス要因を労働者の全国標準値と比較し検討するとともに,仕事要求度-コントロールモデルに当てはめてストレス要因の特徴を観察した.結果は男性よりも女性のほうがストレスの要求度を強く感じていた。また、高ストレスカテゴリー割合を全国労働者の高ストレスカテゴリー割合と比較してみると、男女とも自覚的な身体的負担度と心理的な仕事の質的負担が高かった.女性では,特別養護老人ホームと老人保健施設およびグループホームはActive群に分類された。本研究の結果は,高齢者ケア従事者のストレスの第一次予防対策に示唆を与えるものと考える.In view of a rapid rise in the aged population of Japan, legislative measures are being advanced to aid this segment of society. Given such an environment it is necessary to identify the major stress factors affecting caregivers at facilities that specialize in care of the aged. Furthermore, this research aims to show how the characteristics of these factors relate to specific work demands and the extent of control individuals have over their work. The subjects comprised of all carers for the aged working in the special nursing homes and homes for the aged under the jurisdiction of the Office of Bizen Resident Services, Okayama Prefecture and all group homes affiliated with the Okayama Group Home Liaison Council. The survey was conducted by using simple survey sheets for occupational stress. Based on effective responses from 2,122 respondents, the stress factors were sorted by gender and facility and compared against the results from national surveys on workers in general. In addition, they were examined by using a work demand-control model to elicit their characteristics. The results suggested that, female workers perceived their work demand more acutely than males. For both sexes, the percentage of workers with high-stress levels in the categories "subjective physical burden" and "psychological burden stemming from a concern about the quality of their work" were higher than the levels for workers in general. On the other hand, characteristics of occupational stress factors of employees at facilities for the aged were regarded to belong to the active group by women. The authors argue that the results of this study may contribute to the primary prevention of work-related stress experienced by employees who care for the aged

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