The Legal Mechanisms of Ensuring Regional Cooperation in Combatting Crime Within the Framework of the Council of Europe: Experience of Ukraine


The Legal Mechanisms of Ensuring Regional Cooperation in Combatting Crime Within the Framework of the Council of Europe: Experience of Ukraine / Andrii Voitsikhovskyi, Oleksandr Bakumov, Olena Ustymenko, Mykola Marchuk // The Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (CEJISS). – 2019. – Vol. 13, Issue 1. – P. 138-160.У статті досліджуються питання регіонального міжнародного співробітництва України у боротьбі зі злочинністю у рамках Ради Європи. Дається аналіз міжнародно-правових актів, що регламентують зазначене співробітництво і розкривається діяльність основних органів та спеціальних інституцій Ради Європи у сфері протидії злочинності.Implementation of legal reform in Ukraine, the content of which can be defined as a gradual movement towards a democratic and rule of law state, makes the problem of counteraction to crime especially relevant. Nowadays it is the object of broad regulatory measures, in particular, international and legal regulation of cooperation between states in combatting crime. The multifaceted nature of modern international relations in one way or another causes expansion of the spheres of cooperation between states in counteracting crime, which requires universal and regional international cooperation. It is quite clear that universal international cooperation cannot cover all aspects of the cooperation of states. Regional international cooperation helps to get more effective cooperation between states located in the same geographic region. Cooperation of the states at the regional level in combatting crime is mainly carried out in the framework established by regional international organizations of both general and special competence. The regional level of international cooperation allows the states to react promptly to any manifestations in the criminal sphere that pose a threat of the international nature. In this case, the mechanism of such a cooperation and elements of control, as a rule, have a great degree of specificity and details. Regional international organizations in Europe have a great deal of experience in intergovernmental cooperation in the field of combatting crime, which is explained by the historically established process of economic and political integration. The problem of counteracting crime is given considerable attention within the Council of Europe, which is the most representative European intergovernmental organization established on May 5, 1949, aimed at achieving greater unity between its members in order to preserve and realize the ideals and principles that are their common good, as well as to promote their economic and social progress. The Council of Europe is a purely European organization, with 47 Member States.В статье исследуются вопросы регионального международного сотрудничества Украины в борьбе с преступностью в рамках Совета Европы. Дается анализ международно-правовых актов, регламентирующих указанное сотрудничество и раскрывается деятельность основных органов и специальных институтов Совета Европы в сфере противодействия преступности

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