
Is Hypermedia an Effective Tool for Education


Whilst there has been much mention in the literature recently concerning the development of hypermedia systems, there is very little reported work on projects to assess their effectiveness, or otherwise, in education. This paper reports on a project currently underway at the University of Southampton in the UK to develop a hypertext interface for an interactive videodisc application in biology education, and to undertake a thorough evaluation of the resulting system as used by undergraduate students at the University. The system is currently based on Apple's Hypercard and uses existing videodisc material. INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Introduction Until very recently, the costs of both hardware and software made the use of interactive videodisc (IV) systems virtually non-existent in education. Most examples of interactive video material were in the industrial training sector, where it can be very cost effective as well as educationally effective to produce videodiscs and related software designe..

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