
Pornography and Prostitution as Interrelated Phenomena that Demoralize our Society (Criminological Aspects)


Bailov, A. V. Pornography and Prostitution as Interrelated Phenomena that Demoralize our Society (Criminological Aspects) [Електронний ресурс] / Anton V. Bailov, Stanislav O. Osyatinskiy, Iryna V. Bulba // Журнал східноєвропейського права: електронне науково-практичне фахове видання. – 2015. – № 15. - С. 40-43. - Режим доступу:Автори статті роблять висновок, що в цілому, поняття проституції є недослідженим соціальним явищем, статус якого важко визначити, через відмінності в ставленні до нього з боку суспільства. Але так чи інакше негативна сторона проституції переважає. Це дійсно велика проблема в нашому суспільстві, яка, очевидно, має бути терміново вирішена. Для досягнення цієї мети необхідно використовувати різні методи, у тому числі навіть легалізацію цього явища, так як ніхто не знає, який із превентивних варіантів буде вірним і ефективним.Sex industry is an important area of the economy both for developing countries, where it is the main source of income of foreign currency to the state treasury, and for industrialized countries. We cannot say that this method of income was always topical, but as a result of the latest technologies’ development people engaged in the sex industry found a new sphere of a profit. But the main problem is that the sex industry has profits mostly illegally, and the related activities contradict morality. There are two main directions of the sex industry: 1) prostitution, which includes the direct exchange of sexual favors for money and other means of economic compensation; 2) pornography, which is to perform sexually-oriented tasks, sometimes involving two or more people engaged in photography, film, video products in theaters and nightclubs, with the exception of direct sexual services, which are paid by a client. The boundary between prostitution and pornography is not very clear, because sometimes prostitutes perform only erotic actions or dance for private clients, and some workers engaged in sex industry such as strippers and dancers of nightclubs have coitus with the audience after the show. There is a problem of spreading sex industry in our society. Of course, one can have a large income being engaged in these activities, but we should remember that we are people and should follow established standards of morality. The authors would like to conclude that in general, the concept of prostitution is unexplored social phenomenon, which status is difficult to determine, because of the differences in attitudes towards it by the society. But anyhow the negative side of prostitution prevails. It’s really a big problem in our society, which is obviously has to be urgently solved. In this case, we must use a variety of methods, not excluding even the legalization of this phenomenon, since no one knows which of the preventive options would be faithful and effective.Авторы статьи делают вывод, что в целом, понятие проституции является неисследованным социальным явление, статус которого трудно определить, из-за различий в отношении к нему со стороны общества. Но так или иначе негативная сторона проституции преобладает. Это действительно большая проблема в нашем обществе, которая, очевидно, должно быть срочно решена. Для достижения этой цели необходимо использовать различные методы, не исключая даже легализацию этого явления, так как никто не знает, какой из превентивных вариантов будет верным и эффективным

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