2015 경제발전경험모듈화사업 : 1980년대 경제정책전환기의 재정안정화 정책


Chapter1 Inroduction Chapter 2 Fiscal Management and Associated Limits in the 1970s 1. Rapid Growth and Fiscal Expansion 2. Approach to Cover the Financial Deficit 3. Obsession with Growth-oriented Policies Chapter 3 Fiscal Stabilization Policies in the Transition Period 1. Fiscal Stabilization Policies of the Late 1970s 2. Stabilization Tools of the Government in the 1980s 3. Success of Fiscal Stabilization in the 1980s Chapter 4 Success Factors of Fiscal Stabilization in the 1980s 1. The Role of the Economic Planning Board (EPB) 2. The Role of the Supreme Leader 3. Communication with the Public Chapter 5 Implications Reference

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