
Fostering awareness on critical thinking in the efl classroom throughout a beginner level course


This study aimed at exploring insights regarding the implementation of critical thinking skills at a private institute in the city of Pereira, Risaralda. The theoretical background, methodological guidelines and results explored through the research process are going to be presented and described in detail in this document. The statement of the problem will contextualize the reader by justifying the reasons for this research conducted. Then the theoretical framework will provide the definition of concepts in the theoretical framework section, and the results of related studies in the literature review. In order to describe what methods, instruments, participants and context were chosen to implement this research project and why they were selected, the section of the methodology, which is divided into different categories, will explain in detail how this study was carried out. Subsequently, the findings are presented and are divided into further sub-findings. In this section, evidence collected from the implementation period is presented, along with a discussion regarding the possible meaning of said evidence, as well as support from related authors in the field. Once this discussion has been presented, the limitations of the study are discussed in order to give a reader an idea of some of the challenges, which were found. In this line of ideas, the conclusions are presented whereby the researchers make final statements regarding what can be taken from the research project as a whole, and, more importantly, give direct answers to the research questions. Finally, a brief exploration of the possible pedagogical and research implications that can be taken from this study are presented

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