Slavenski genitiv u hrvatskome jeziku


A direct object in Croatian is an object in the accusative case or an object in the genitive case which is interchangeable with the accusative. There are two types of direct object in the genitive case – the partitive genitive and the genitive of negation (Slavic genitive). The conditions that have to be met for the genitive of negation to be used are that the predicate verb has to be transitive, and that the sentence has to be negative. Therefore, the genitive of negation can only be realized in negative sentences in which it is synonymous with the accusative, while in the positive sentences the direct object is exclusively in the accusative case.Bliži je objekt u hrvatskome jeziku objekt u akuzativu ili genitivu koji je akuzativom zamjenjiv. Dva su bliža objekta u genitivu: partitivni i slavenski genitiv. Uvjet za slavenski genitiv je da je predikatni glagol prelazan, a rečenica preoblikovana nijekanjem. Slavenski je genitiv, dakle, ostvariv samo u zanijekanim rečenicama i u njima je sinoniman s akuzativom, dok je u jesnoj rečenici u bliži objekt isključivo u akuzativu

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