From calculators to 21st century computing: successes and opportunities in digital technology for textiles


U radu se daje pregled primjena digitalne tehnologije u tekstilnim industrijama od sredine 20. stoljeća do 21. stoljeća. Na početku je opisan napredak alata koji se koriste. Nakon toga se u poglavljima porikazuje estetski dizajn, strojevi i postupci, te uporaba digitalne tehnologije u veleprodaji i maloprodaji. Postoje velike mogućnosti u području tehničkog oblikovanja i virtualnih pogona, ali programska rješenja proizišla iz znanstvenih istraživanja još nisu dospjela do industrije.The paper reviews the applications of digital technology to the textile industries from the mid-20th century to the 21st century. The advances in the available tools are first described. Sections then cover aesthetic design, machines and operations, and commercial and retail, all of which are in general use. For engineering design and the “virtual catwalk”, there are great opportunities but software from academic research has hardly been taken up by industry

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