Preparation of the polypropylene fibres with content of photochromic pigments


U radu se opisuje utjecaj fotokromatskih pigmenata na predivost, istezljivost i svojstva pigmentiranih polipropilenskih (PP) vlakana. U eksperimentalnom radu upotrijebljene su komercijalne vrste PP vlakana i fotokromatski pigment (Photopia® Purple) kako bi se odredile mogućnosti njihove primjene za UV senzore. Ocijenjena su mehanička svojstva (prekidna čvrstoća i istezanje kod prekida te Youngov modul). Također je analiziran izgled vlakana, odnosno promatrana je površina i poprečni presjek ovih vlakana pod svjetlosnim mikroskopom. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju mogućnost pripreme vlakana s udjelom fotokromatskih pigmenata.In this paper, the effect of photochromic pigments on spinnability, drawability and properties of pigmented polypropylene (PP) fibres is presented. The commercial types of PP and photochromic pigment (Photopia® Purple) were used in experimental work to determination of their possibilities in use as a UV sensor fibres. Mechanical properties (tenacity and elongation at break as well as Young’s modulus), thermo-mechanical properties and factor of average orientation of composite fibres were evaluated and discussed. The surface and cross-section of these fibres were monitored using the light microscope. The obtained results indicate the possibility of preparation of the fibres with photochromic pigments in mass

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