Stability analysis of anchored rock slopes according to Eurocode 7


Osiguravanje stabilnosti stijenske kosine tijekom i nakon iskopa propisivanjem dugoročnih zaštitnih mjera jedna je od čestih zadaća praktičnog geotehničkog inženjerstva i mehanike stijena. U radu je prikazan primjer određivanja optimalnih parametara čvrstoće karbonatne stijenske mase i procjene stabilnosti sidrene stijenske kosine. Kriterij sloma stijenske mase definiran je generaliziranim Hoek-Brownovim kriterijem čvrstoće, pri čemu su korišteni rezultati geotehničkih istražnih radova, kojima je stijenska masa podijeljena u pet različitih geotehničkih zona. Analiza globalne stabilnosti kosine formirane iskopom zasjeka visine do 25 metara provedena je prema pravilima Eurokoda 7, projektni pristup 3. Kod procjene stabilnosti odabrana je mjerodavna klizna ploha. Provedena je analiza nestabilnog bloka za slučaj globalnog sloma i ravninskog klizanja po diskontinuitetu. Pretpostavljeno je pružanje diskontinuiteta u smjeru iskopa. U cilju usporedbe dobivenih rezultata, faktori sigurnosti proračunavani su sa i bez seizmičkih potresnih djelovanja te je provedena kontrola primjenom komercijalnog računalnog programa za analizu stabilnosti kosina.Ensuring the rock slope stability during and after excavation by prescribing long-term protection measures is one of the frequent tasks of practical geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics. The paper presents an example of determining optimal carbonate rock mass strength parameters and assessing the stability of the anchored rock slope. The rock mass failure criterion is defined by the generalized Hoek-Brown\u27s strength criteria, using the results of geotechnical investigations, where the rock mass is divided into five different geotechnical zones. Analysis of global slope stability formed by excavation the cut height up to 25 meters is carried out according to the rules of Eurocode 7, project approach third. For the stability estimation the relevant sliding surface was selected. An analysis of the unstable block in the case of global sloping and flat sliding was performed on discontinuity. It is assumed that discontinuity is provided in the direction of excavation. In order to compare the obtained results, the safety factors were calculated with and without seismic earthquake effects and control was carried out using a commercial computer program for slope stability analysis

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