Electric cataract as occupational disease


Posle kratkog uvoda u istorijat našeg znanja o patogenezi električne katarakte, autori prikazuju jedan slučaj pojave ove katarakte kod radnika, koji je bio povređen strujom visoke voltaže (35.000 V). Zamućenje sočiva je usledilo posle šest meseci i to intenzivnije na strani tela, koja je bila dalje od izvora struje. Bolesnik je operisan i vid je integralne povraćen. Preporučene su neke profilaktične mere za zaštitu ovih radnika. Autori završavaju članak jednom hipotezom, koja treba da objasni »latentni period«, poznat kod ove vrste katarakte, teorijom auto-agresije na bazi sudara auto-antitela, koji bi bili odgovorni za brzinu, stepen i intenzitet nastale katarakte.After a short introduction into the main characteristics of electric cataract, the authors present a case of electric cataract in a worker injured by the high voltage current (35.000 V). After a »Iatent period« lasting 6 months, the disease appeared in both lenses, but more intensely on the lense of the left eye which was further away from the passage of the electric current. In their case the electric arc did not pass through the head as was usual in all the cases described so far, but through the raised hand and the chest. What the authors particularly point out are the changes at the base of both eyes, in the region of macula, which in their clinical picture resemble the changes observed in those who happen to look at the sun in eclipse with unprotected eyes. On the basis of this finding the authors are inclined to think that these changes are more likely to be caused by the intense light in the moment of short circuit than by electric energy. After the operation of the left eye and with a corrective glass, the normal visual acuity has returned to the patient. The changes on the right eye have remained stationary. The authors briefly discuss certain prophilactic measures to be introduced in electric industry, as well as the rehabilitation of workers suffering from electric cataract. A hypothesis on the mechanism of the disease is also given

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