Dissolution geology of organic materials on Saturn’s moon Titan: alien analogs of terrestrial karst


Karst or dissolution geology can occur whenever a circulating fluid can dissolve a geological material. On Earth, the “classical” karst definition is for limestone (CaCO3) in water (H2O), but other material/solvent combinations can create terrestrial dissolution terrain as well. These include so-called “evaporite karst materials” such as halite (NaCl)/H2O or gypsum (CaSO4)/H2O, dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2)/H2O, and even silica (SiO2)/H2O [Ford and Williams, 2007].  On Mars, there has been the suggestion of kieserite (MgSO4)/H2O system that may have formed in an earlier, wetter environment [Baroni and Sgavetta, 2013]. Saturn’s moon Titan extends the definition of karst to include non-aqueous liquids dissolving a landscape made of organic materials. The Cassini mission has provided evidence that Titan’s 1.5 bar nitrogen atmosphrere and cryogenic 94 K surface temperature supports a hydrocarbon-based cycle on Titan similar to the terrestrial water cycle. These circulating liquids may be capable of dissolving some of the surface organic molecules derived from Titan’s complex atmospheric photochemistry. Although under a different gravity, temperature, materials and fluid regime, many of the features on Titan’s surface bear striking resemblances to terrestrial karst terrains. Our investigations have focused on the labyrinth terrains of Titan. These are elevated plateaux of organic materials that appear similar to polygonal karst, tower karst, and fluviokarst on Earth [Malaska et al., 2010; 2017]. Remote sensing data is consistent with these plateaux being constructed of low-dielectric organic materials [Janssen et al. 2009; 2016; Malaska et al, 2016b]. Theoretical calculations followed by cryogenic laboratory experiments have shown that organic materials found on Titan’s surface will dissolve when subjected to Titan’s rainfall of methane-rich fluids [Raulin, 1987; Lorenz and Lunine, 1996; Malaska et al., 2010; 2011; Malaska and Hodyss, 2014; Cornet et al., 2015] and preliminary modelling has been able to reproduce some of the morphologies observed on Titan [Cornet et al., 2017]. Titan’s labyrinth terrains may originate as mixed organic windblown sediments that are later lithified in a process similar to calcite-cemented sandstone on Earth. Organic molecules and sediments produced by Titan’s rich organic photochemistry include organic molecules such as acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), hydrogen cyanide (HCN),  benzene (C2H6), acrylonitrile (C2H3CN), acetonitrile (CH3CN), cyanoacetylene (HC2CN), other alkynes and nitriles, and a complex refractory organic materials similar to laboratory tholins. Once uplifted, the saturation equilibrium and kinetics of dissolution for each material and fluid combination affecting the plateau may play key roles in determining how the karstic system will evolve [Malaska et al., 2011; Cornet et al., 2015]. Some of the Titan organic minerals will dissolve, while some will be left behind as an insoluble lag deposit. Advanced laboratory investigations of organic materials on Titan is underway to further understand how these geological structures evolve and compare them with the formation processes of terrestrial analogs. We suggest that karst is a general planetary process wherever circulating fluids are capable of dissolving materials and developing subsurface drainage

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