
Transferring simulation skills from other industries to nuclear


Engineering analysis and simulation has always played a significant role in the nuclear sector and its use continues to increase across all branches of industry. To remain competitive in an increasingly global environment and to ensure the safety and reliability of designs, the nuclear industry must take advantage of the new engineering simulation technologies. Concerns surrounding the inappropriate use of simulation by staff without the appropriate competency persist, as analyses become more advanced, increasingly embracing more complex physical phenomena, often in an effort to model reality more faithfully. Furthermore, the age profile of the skilled staff in the nuclear sector in the UK is such that the skills shortage is likely to increase in future. These trends emphasize the need for life-long learning and continual staff development along with transfer of skills from other industry sectors to the nuclear sector. The nuclear industry has taken some initiatives to address skill shortages through the National Skills Academy for Nuclear and Nuclear Energy Skills Alliance (NESA) but these are mostly focused on manufacturing and R&D skills. The recently completed EU funded EASIT2 project is directly aimed at addressing the engineering analysis and simulation skills. This paper gives a brief overview of the EASIT2 project and its deliverables and points out how it can help the skills issues being faced by the nuclear industry. INTRODUCTIO

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