Knowledge Representation for Culturally Competent Personal Robots - Requirement, design principles, implementation, and assessment


Culture, intended as the set of beliefs, values, ideas, language, norms and customs which compose a person\u2019s life, is an essential element to know by any robot for personal assistance. Culture, intended as that person\u2019s background, can be an invaluable source of information to drive and speed up the process of discovering and adapting to the person\u2019s habits, preferences and needs. This article discusses the requirements posed by cultural competence on the knowledge management system of a robot. We propose a framework for cultural knowledge representation that relies on (i) a three layer ontology for storing concepts of relevance, culture specific information and statistics, person-specific information and preferences; (ii) an algorithm for the acquisition of person-specific knowledge, which uses culture specific knowledge to drive the search; (iii) a Bayesian Network for speeding up the adaptation to the person by propagating the effects of acquiring one specific information onto interconnected concepts. We have conducted a preliminary evaluation of the framework involving 159 Italian and German volunteers and considering 122 among habits, attitudes and social norms

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