Dark matter search with liquid argon in DarkSide: results with scientific and technological prototypes.


All the works presented in this thesis are part of the DarkSide project. DarkSide is an experiment for the direct search of dark matter, based on a dual phase argon time projection chamber. In particular, the future DarkSide-20k detector will be described below, the latest results of the DarkSide-50 prototype will be presented and ample space will be devoted to the ReD project. ReD-Recoil Directionality has the aim to investigate the directionality sensitivity in liquid argon, in the energy range of interest for the dark matter search. The basic idea is to irradiate a small dual-phase argon TPC with neutrons produced at the Tandem accelerator at the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, in Catania. The scattered neutrons are then tagged by a neutron spectrometer that allows to reconstruct the scattering angle with respect to the TPC dirft field direction

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