
Aggregates safeguarding maps of Wales


This is a short descriptive summary to accompany the six 1:100 000 scale aggregates safeguarding maps which have been published as part of the Mineral Maps of Wales project. As mineral resources are finite and are not evenly distributed, knowledge about their whereabouts is essential for making effective and sustainable planning decisions that consider the needs of future generations. Access to mineral resources can be prevented or restricted (sterilised) by non-mineral development and the process of ‘mineral safeguarding’ ensures that this does not occur unnecessarily when planning applications are determined. An effective safeguarding system requires the adoption of ‘mineral safeguarding areas’ and the adoption of suitable policies through which development is managed in these areas. The aggregates safeguarding maps have been compiled to assist Mineral Planning Authorities (MPAs) in the delineation of aggregates safeguarding areas in Local Development Plans

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