Turning Up the Heat on the AAMC Annotated Bibliography of Journals for Educational Scholarship


Purpose: To share the process used to enhance the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annotated bibliography of journals for educational scholarship (Blanco & Love, 2016) with a quick reference chart of journal quality indicators. Setting: The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Annotated bibliography of journals for educational scholarship provides a valuable annotated list of journals suitable for medical educators to consider when publishing their work. This format is naturally heavily text-based and contains limited information about journal self-archiving policies and journal rankings. Brief Description: This list was transformed into a quick reference chart indicating MEDLINE indexing, Web of Science and Scopus quartile rankings, and the open access and/or self-archiving policy for each journal. The tools and process used to create this chart, the dissemination methodology, lessons learned and ideas for future projects are presented. Outcome: The Quality Indicators for Journals of Medical Education Scholarship is freely available from the university’s institutional repository, is linked in multiple LibGuides and is referenced by medical education faculty at the institution when selecting journals in which to publish. Conclusion: Turning up the heat on existing quality work can help your researchers see that the sky’s the limit for disseminating their scholarly work

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